10/24/2011 |
This survey conducted by SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) examined organizational commitment to diversity and inclusion. The survey explored who is responsible for implementing and leading diversity initiatives in the workplace, examined how diversity training budgets are faring in these uncertain times, looked at sexual orientation discrimination and gender identity policies,and other related topics.
Excerpt: Survey Findings . . .
Who is responsible for leading
diversity initiatives in the workplace?
Overall, 62% of organizations reported HR is
responsible for leading these efforts. A much
smaller percentage of organizations reported
that the president/ CEO (21%) and/or senior
management (20%) are implementing and
leading diversity initiatives.
Are organizations using internal
diversity groups? They do, though not at
high rates. Overall, 21% of organizations
reported using internal groups that focus on
diversity. Organizations with 2,500 to
24,999 employees (45%), those with 25,000
or more employees (48%), publicly owned forprofit
companies (34%) and government
agencies (30%) were more likely to have these
Even though internal diversity groups are not
widespread in the workplace, they provide
value to organizations. Among organizations
that have internal diversity groups, 72%
reported these groups were used to help
augment their organization’s business efforts.
What percentage of organizations
have sexual orientation discrimination
and gender identity/expression
policies? Overall, 64% of organizations
reported having either a formal (written) policy
or an informal policy that addresses sexual
orientation discrimination in the workplace.
A much smaller percentage of organizations
(21%) reported having a written policy that
addresses gender identity and/or gender
For more, visit the Web site: http://www.shrm.org/Research/SurveyFindings/Articles/Documents/Diversity11.pdf