". . . in addition to the innovation small suppliers can provide, [a] real reason to invest in supplier diversity: building programs that stick over the long-term." A look at Walmart's journey in Supplier Diversity, in this case specifically working with woman-owned businesses. DIR hopes they have our National Minority and Women-Owned Business Directory to reference!
Since 1968, Diversity Information Resources (DIR) has been at the forefront in providing information resources that support and enhance supplier diversity. Diverse-owned supplier? Registration on DIR's portal is free. Represent a major corporation? Learn how DIR's supplier data management solutions, educational seminars and publications can enhance your corporation's supplier diversity program. Learn more at www.diversityinforesources.com
Monday, September 26, 2011
Friday, September 9, 2011
Fabulous Posters Celebrating Diversity

Just discovered these great, annual posters from Western Washington University. You can order past posters ... so I wanted to share. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
new publication: ReInventing Diversity by Howard J. Ross
"Many prejudices are unconscious, and exclusions are often unintentional. Only through challenging our own preconceived notions about diversity can we build a productive and collaborative work environment in which all people thrive."
The above quote is part of the description for a new (pub date August 2011) book by Howard J. Ross: ReInventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose, and Performance. Howard J. Ross is Founder and Chief Learning Officer of Cook Ross Inc. He is one of the nation’s leading diversity training consultants and nationally recognized expert on diversity, leadership, and organizational change.
Have you read it? Do you have some opinions on it? Please share. I'm anxious to check it out.
Friday, September 2, 2011
Awards Program Announced ... great opportunity for DIR Suppliers who are Woman-, Veteran-, and Minority-Owned
DiversityBusiness.com . . . will be conducting its 12th annual "Top Businesses in America" survey. The research allows entrepreneurs to be identified and honored for their business achievements on a national and regional basis.
. . . An opportunity to have your business listed by the world's most preeminent publications including Forbes Magazine, Business Week and thousands of media outlets throughout the world. Honorees will be recognized and honored at the 12th Annual Multicultural Business Conference in April of 2012.
This year's survey will determine the Top 500 businesses in the United States and the Top 100 businesses in each State in the following categories:, Privately-Held Businesses, Women Owned Businesses, Small Businesses, Veteran and Diversity Owned. More at DiversityBusiness.com.
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